Two other bridge employees were treated at the scene before being released.

Aerial footage shot by NBC Bay Area showed a sports utility vehicle and a sweeper truck colliding next to the barricade.

These vehicles then slammed into a truck being used as a barricade, which was then propelled into the officers and bridge employees.

A RSBN Network team covering the mandate walkout at the scene captured the panic in the incident’s immediate aftermath.

Video showed people tending to the injured at the roadside as they lay beside vehicles. Visibly shaken reporter Liz Willis said: “They basically got knocked down by the barricades. The truck slammed into the cement barricade and on top of that is a metal one and that pushed them into the crowd.

“So a very scary situation and we are going to monitor that and make sure they are OK.”

California Highway Patrol spokesman Andrew Barclay said the crash took place at approximately 6 p.m. at the San Francisco entrance to the Golden Gate Bridge, where there was a protest described as a “nationwide walkout” against government-mandated coronavirus vaccinations.

He added the incident happened in the northbound lane, which authorities had closed after protesters threatened to “take over” the road.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported Barclay as saying: “They were gathered at the sidewalk entrance onto the Golden Gate Bridge, and apparently there were individuals in the crowd that had stated their intent was to take over the lane of traffic, so our intention at that point was to serve as a deterrent to try to prevent anybody from getting on.”

Two California Highway Patrol, which Newsweek has contacted for an update, has confirmed the cause of the incident is under investigation.

The protests were triggered by mandates requiring employees at large businesses, schools, city agencies and elsewhere in the state to receive a vaccination or get regularly tested for the coronavirus.

Backlashes continue against the mandates, which controversial psychologist Jordan Peterson has this week described as an imitation of “a totalitarian state.”

And a poll using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week found Wyoming, Idaho and Oklahoma as having the highest rate of opposition to receiving the coronavirus vaccine.