Calipari started on Harrison less than two minutes into the game after a sequence wherein Harrison missed a layup, stole the ball and then missed another layup in a 10-second span. He palmed his face and pointed at Harrison. It was one of many displays of frustration throughout the afternoon.

MORE: Kentucky’s incredible season in photos | Defense claims another victim | Midseason All-Americans 

Nevermind that the Wildcats would go on to stomp South Carolina, 58-43. Tough, in-your-face love — that’s how Calipari gets through to Harrison.

“I’m not going to coddle these kids,” he said. “I like the fact that he missed two and then came back and made the third one instead of the two misses absolutely caving him in.”

Calipari’s seen that before — before from Andrew, and before from others, too. He knows how that poison can seep into the mind of his point guard, its tentacles gripping and not relenting.

He saw it seven years ago in Derrick Rose.

“Rose, of all the players I coached, cared more about how he was playing than even Andrew does. But he dealt with it different. I’ve never seen a player internalize like Rose, to the point where he couldn’t get by mistakes, but he wouldn’t back up,” Calipari explained after Saturday’s game. “He’d still play hard, go block a shot or do something but he was so frustrated with himself. I said to him ‘You’re going to be playing in the NBA. You can’t do this game to game. You’ll never last.’”

Due to the unrelenting pressures of being a first-place team, Harrison and Rose shared similar frustrations in their time under Calipari, but the modes by which they expressed those frustrations are drastically different. 

Several times throughout Saturday’s game, Calipari got into Harrison’s face trying to evoke some sort of reaction. There was one stretch midway through the second half where Harrison looked frustrated on the bench, so Calipari walked over from the scorer’s table to yell something at him and then walked back to the scorer’s table. 

It’s not that Harrison was mad, or sulking, or pouting. He was doing something worse: disappearing inside his own head.

“He’s a great kid. He’s funny. His teammates love him, but he internalizes a lot of stuff and I’m trying to get that out of him. I don’t want anybody to look at him and say ‘he’s a bad kid.’ He’s a great kid — ‘Yes sir, no sir, love you coach.’ Now I’m on him — I’m on every one of these kids,” Calipari explained.

“He sometimes when he gets into that mode where he backs up instead of stepping on the gas. I’m just trying to say ‘You can be upset with yourself, but be upset, clap and go crazy and dive on the floor and go block a shot and scream. Don’t back up.”

Because when Harrison backs up, he’s a hollowed-out version of himself. He’s not the player or teammate he’s capable of being.

That Harrison made an appearance during the Wildcats game at Louisville a few weeks ago. He was 1-6 from the field with three points and six turnovers. 

After the Louisville game, Calipari said he was “disappointed for (Andrew), because I know how good he is.” 

Coincidentally, that game was the moment that freshman Tyler Ulis shined, turning in a career-high 14 point performance which led many to call for Harrison to ride the pine.

Sure, that seems to be an easy fix, but an easy fix is not always the best answer — and especially not an answer that this Kentucky team needs or wants to make right now.

Compromising Kentucky’s defense by inserting 5-9 Ulis at the point is an agreeable stopgap when Harrison’s shots aren’t falling. But Harrison’s shots aren’t falling because he’s playing scared. He’s shying away from contact in the lane. He’s panicking when double-teamed in the paint and tossing the ball away like it’s coated in hot lava.

He’s shown flashes of brilliance when he’s the cool, calm, unruffled Harrison who isn’t beating himself up over an earlier flub. That’s the Harrison who showed up in Indianapolis earlier this season against No. 5 Kansas — a 10 point, four rebound performance. 

Harrison’s making strides at cutting out the poisonous thoughts. 

“So much better than he was a year ago,” his coach says, but it’s Calipari’s pushing and screaming and yelling in his face that serves as the real antidote. 

So when you see Calipari flapping and pointing and screaming his head off on the sidelines? It’s not a cause for alarm. He’s trying to pull Harrison back in and save him from himself the best way he can reach him — “I keep it real. Sometimes I say it loud, but does it matter how I’m saying it?”