Across the web, thousands of Call of Duty fans tuned in for a chance to watch their favorite streamer open the mysterious Call of Duty box. Inside each one was an old-style projector with several slides. Although the first set of slides appeared to be simply stock images, the second grouping was slightly more interesting.

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Many fans believed that the contents of the box would connect to the strange teaser found in Warzone but projectors and maps do not have the same effect as the video glitch. Each box contained a letter listing a manifest number out of five possible options. After some gathering, Streamer Call of Duty MrDalekJD on Youtuber with several other teammates compiled a list of manifest numbers and which slides were in each set. Although there has not been a Box 2 to surface as of yet, there are enough boxes opened to compile a complete image of every hint image, map, and cipher hidden within these unusual promotion tools.

There are a total of 15 possible slides to appear but each box only contains 10. This gave some information to some streaming communities that others did not have and forced some level of collaboration between steaming groups. Although some streamers shrugged off the box’s details and went on with their normal schedule, others have spent the entire day delving into the possible answers that this box could hold.

There are three distinct types of images found within the boxes. Four maps each clearly numbered have several countries across the world marked. They all seem to be located somewhere in Eastern Europe highlighting a small segment of the map. The number’s font matches the kind used on shipping containers making for an interesting search for geography fans.

Classic Call of Duty: Black Ops fans were fast to recognize the three map sections to be parts of the popular Summit map. The map was a fan favorite during Black Ops’ early years and even saw a revival in Black Ops 4.

The last segment of images seems to match the appearance of a cipher provoking many fans to start searching for a hidden message. There are 5 parts to the cipher reminding fans of the clocks found on Summit. Two large sets of letters seem to be holding some hidden words that the community has yet to unscramble. The entire experience feels like an old-school spy mission reminding members of the Call of Duty community to look back in time for ciphers used by code speakers.

Call of Duty 2020 is in development by Treyarch and Raven Raven Software.

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