Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was released in 2014 and was notable for taking the Call of Duty franchise into a more sci-fi direction with its use of exo suits. The sci-fi approach to the Call of Duty formula proved to be controversial, though there were those that enjoyed the increased mobility of the exo suits and how they were incorporated in the Exo Zombies game mode. Regardless, Sledgehammer moved away from this kind of advanced movement in its subsequent Call of Duty games, with Call of Duty: WW2 and Call of Duty: Vanguard taking the franchise back to its roots by reverting to a World War 2 setting.

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While Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was somewhat controversial at the time of its release, there are fans of the game who would like to see a sequel. Unfortunately, according to a new report by industry insider Tom Henderson and published on Insider Gaming, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 2 is not in development at Sledgehammer Games. The report, citing unnamed sources, says that Sledgehammer’s next project is in the earliest stages of development and is subject to change.

The report goes on to claim that Sledgehammer’s next Call of Duty game may not even release until 2026, as the franchise is supposedly going to ditch its annual release schedule in favor of launching a new game every two years. A new Call of Duty game has released every single year since 2005’s Call of Duty 2, and so it would be a huge change for it to abandon the annual release schedule, to say the least.

This isn’t the first time that it’s been reported that Call of Duty may stop releasing new games every year. While Activision has pushed back against these reports, it’s been claimed that there will be no new Call of Duty game in 2023, and that instead next year will bring with it a Modern Warfare 2 paid expansion of some kind. Then 2024 should see the launch of Treyarch’s next game, with 2026 seeing the launch of Sledgehammer’s project. Of course, it’s possible these reports are inaccurate or going off outdated information, so fans should take all of this with a big grain of salt for now.

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Source: Insider Gaming