For their first solo Call of Duty development outing, Sledgehammer Games was by and large successful with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. The studio managed to prove that they are capable of providing an excellent Call of Duty experience that garnered more critical acclaim than Call of Duty: Ghosts and also proved to be a major financial success, becoming the best-selling game of 2014.

Sledgehammer has managed to keep the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare community alive thanks to three previously released DLC packs, the first of which introduced Exo Zombies to the game. Now Activision has released a trailer for the fourth and final expansion for Advanced Warfare, the DLC expansion named Reckoning.

Reckoning will be available to download on Xbox 360 and Xbox One platforms beginning August 4th for $14.99, and it is the final piece of content released as a part of the game’s season pass. Those that play Advanced Warfare on their PC, PS3, or PS4 will have to wait about a month or so later to have a chance to play the new DLC.

Included in the Reckoning expansion pack are four new multiplayer maps, which are as follows: Fracture, a snow map complete with breaking ice; Overload, set in a fancy hotel with electrical devices that can be shot to kill nearby enemies; Quarantine, a map set in a quarantine zone on the outskirts of New York City; and Swarm, which appears to set on the streets and in the buildings of a city very similar to the one featured in the campaign’s opening level.

Reckoning will also bring with it the final Exo Zombies episode, entitled Descent. Descent looks to add new threats to Exo Zombies, including what appears to be a Tyrant-like version of John Malkovich’s character Oz. To combat these new threats, players will have access to some new gear, including a new gun that fires a ricocheting laser beam, and access to a Goliath suit for the first time in Exo Zombies.

Speaking of new gear, the footage of the multiplayer maps seemed to show new weapons for the multiplayer as well, or at least new ways to trick out weapons with additional customization options.

The Reckoning DLC joins Havoc, Ascendance, and Supremacy as the final expansion for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. It also marks the end of an era, as it will be the last Call of Duty DLC to come to Xbox first, as it was announced at E3 2015 that Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 DLC will release on PlayStation before Xbox and PC.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is currently available for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. The Reckoning DLC will be available on Xbox 360 and Xbox One beginning August 4th, but players on other platforms will have to wait about a month or so to get their hands on it.

Source: Call of Duty