Call of Duty campaigns are known for being extremely linear, usually following a mission-by-mission format that the series has rarely deviated from. 2015’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 was no exception, though it did support four-player cooperative play in the campaign. This meant that levels were designed to be slightly bigger than usual for the series, though nothing compared to what’s shown in this leak.

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The leaks are clearly from a very early build of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, with most of the map blocked out using simple geometry to get a rough idea of how the world should look. The screenshots also include various hub worlds that would serve as a method for players to explore and progress through the story, with a day/night cycle that would create a more detailed world. The plans seemed to have been ambitious, and many of the assets went on to be used in the final game. The leaker claims that the build leaked was over a year’s worth of work, so it makes sense that much of it would be re-purposed rather than scrapped.

The user that posted the leaks has since deleted their Reddit account. This may indicate that the individual is still bound by a non-disclosure agreement from before the game’s release, and that this early build was still not supposed to be seen by the public, but that’s just speculation at this time. NDAs are common in the industry, though they often won’t stop determined individuals from leaking games.

Many players will find the leak disappointing, knowing they won’t get to experience developer Treyarch’s original vision for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. The Call of Duty series has often struggled creatively in recent years, with some finding the Call of Duty formula stale and tired. It is disappointing that an attempt to do something in a different direction didn’t work out.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is now available on PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

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