While the use of Specialists in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is exciting for fans eager to make the most of the different abilities, Treyarch has confirmed that there will be some limitations. The developer has allowed attendees of the reveal event to get some hands-on time with the game and during this, players found that the build they were playing limited them to one type of Specialist per team. For example, if someone on a team had already picked Ruin, then another player on that team wouldn’t also be able to choose Ruin as well. The limitations on Specialists have been compared to Overwatch and Rainbow Six Siege.

On the one hand, putting limits on Specialists could be a useful way to ensure that Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s multiplayer isn’t overpowered. If one particular character feels especially strong or has a particularly useful ability, it makes sense to limit that to one character per team. Treyarch will also see this as a way to guide Black Ops 4 players to play as other Specialists, getting to see everything that the characters and their abilities have to offer.

But the decision is likely to prove controversial to many. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has already ruffled a few feathers by not including a traditional single-player campaign, and the limitations on Specialists may be similarly upsetting to fans of the multiplayer. It means that if a particular Specialist does feel overpowered, or is just especially enjoyable to play, that one will be picked quickly meaning that they may not get a chance to play as them.

To combat this, fans will be hoping that Treyarch offers a sizeable pool of Specialists to choose from and that it regularly releases new Specialists too. At this point, it’s unclear exactly what the developer is planning regarding Black Ops 4 DLC, though PlayStation exclusivity has been hinted at. Many will be hoping that the developer plans to add many more Specialists post-launch to give players enough choice with potential for multiple favorites so that they don’t have to fight one particular character.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is slated to release on October 12, 2018 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: CharlieIntel