The first and seemingly last entry in the series to release with no campaign, many were outraged about the removal of a singleplayer mode, though the success of Blackout did allow Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 to perform quite well. After release, there were rumors about a scrapped campaign that seemingly would have had a co-op focus, with Activision supposedly scrapping the mode since it was far too ambitious and there were concerns about it getting repetitive. With new information about this campaign recently unveiled, it is clear just how special the mode could have been, and Treyarch - or another studio - should aim to revive it.

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What Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Campaign Would Have Been Like

The leaked information about Black Ops 4’s cut campaign was provided by Reddit user Purpletoaster20, and their post provides plenty of information about the mode alongside some official images. Based on everything revealed by this fan, the mode was simply before its time, as back in 2018 when the game released (and in 2017 when it was being developed), the live service approach would have been fairly new. Games like Fortnite had not hit their stride yet, ensuring that a campaign mode that received constant updates would have made Black Ops 4 unique.

Alongside plans to support Black Ops 4’s campaign mode through DLC missions, the goal was go attract gamers who usually do not have interest in Call of Duty’s singleplayer content. Dubbed Career, this campaign would have had a 2v2 focus where gamers’ actions during missions would have consequences, as they would choose to fight for one of two factions. The story would constantly evolve based on how levels played out, and each mission would supposedly have multiple side objectives.

According to the leaks, the mode would have featured six large story sections, AI companions, and unlockable customization items. Instead of pre-rendered cutscenes, there would be in-game cinematics like Call of Duty Zombies that changed based on the events of the missions. Further, just like with Black Ops 4 Zombies’ Custom Mutations setting, playlists where players could tweak the rules of the mode would have been offered, and a sequel to Nightmares was supposedly planned as well. With assets from four missions provided, Call of Duty fans have gotten a good idea of what the mode would have been like, and many have shared their disappointment that this innovative concept never saw the light of day.

Where Black Ops 4’s Campaign Ideas Could Be Reused

Considering how different a 2v2 campaign with multiple versions of the same mission would have been, this concept should be brought back within a future release. With so many titles offering traditional campaigns, including the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Treyarch should bring back this 2v2 idea for Call of Duty 2024. While the 2070 setting is not a must, especially given how divisive Black Ops 3’s focus on the future was, everything else about the mode could serve as a fun change of pace. Further, Call of Duty as a whole has fully adopted a live service model, so expanding a campaign after launch would be feasible.

However, if Treyarch and the other Call of Duty developers do not have interest in bringing back this concept, Deviation Games should consider making a 2v2 campaign in its upcoming PlayStation exclusive. Not only does Sony have an interest in live service projects, something that was a key part of the original concept, but Deviation Games co-founder Jason Blundell directed Black Ops 4. Reviving the idea of a 2v2 story mode could be a genuine possibility, as his new studio can take inspiration from all the work that was done on Black Ops 4’s campaign. While this campaign would no longer have any connection to Call of Duty, the idea behind the mode is what truly made it special, and it deserves to become more than just a concept.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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