A few days ago, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 developer Treyarch Studios briefly changed its Twitter profile picture to what appears to be an axe going through a human skull. While the profile picture has since been changed again, many have suggested this means a return of the classic Sticks and Stones mode from previous Black Ops games, given those games also had a modified version of the same image for their respective playlists. Many have also noticed the image’s background bears striking similarities to the Havana map from Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010), suggesting the map may become playable in the new update as well.

For those unfamiliar, Sticks and Stones is a six-player free-for-all mode where each player is allotted only three weapons: a crossbow, a knife, and a throwing axe. Players earn points by eliminating others, however if they were killed via either a throwing axe or by crossbow suicide, their scores would be reset to zero.

Any news on Sticks and Stones or Havana coming to Black Ops 4 will likely be announced during Treyarch’s upcoming video detailing Operation Apocalypse Z on July 9th at 11am PST. Other information being discussed includes the gameplay reveal of Alpha Omega, walkthroughs for new multiplayer maps, updates to Blackout, and gameplay for the new mode.

Tomorrow also sees the return of the Alcatraz Blackout map, which will include new features as part of the Operation Apocalypse Z content update. The second Blackout map was available for a limited time back in April as part of a free update for Black Ops 4. This time around, the map will include a “dark new twist” with more details to come shortly.

Despite being the first game in the franchise without a campaign, Call of Duty: Blacks Ops 4 has tried to keep its playerbase as invested as possible. While the Blackout battle royale mode has garnered the attention of many, going back to the roots of what made the Black Ops series so popular isn’t a bad option either. PlayStation 4 users will receive Operation Apocalypse Z on July 9th, while all other platforms will get the update a week later.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is out now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Dexerto (1), (2)