By looking deeper into this short, two and a half minute teaser, fans can gather more information regarding the upcoming title. This deduction is still speculation for the most part until details are confirmed, but people now have a good idea what to look forward to on November 13th when the game is slated to be released.

10 Frank Woods

Given the nature of Black Ops, it is difficult to tell if characters are ever truly alive or dead. Nothing exemplifies this more than Frank Woods. In the original Black Ops game he is thought to have died in an explosion in Vietnam, but the sequel reveals he survived this ordeal.

While he can die in Black Ops II’s ending depending on side quests and the player’s choices, the new game takes place before this sequel, meaning fans will see the character in his prime once again.

9 Vietnam 1968

Given the amount of trailer time given to Vietnam, one assumes a sizable chunk of the game will take place there. This is not the first time the series has visited the setting, with Black Ops having several missions during the brutal conflict.

However, the year 1968 is important since it is the same year as the Tet Offensive, one of the most important battles of this conflict and one that signified that the war would go on for much longer than initially believed.

8 Hudson

Frank Woods is not the only character coming back. Fans immediately recognized the bald man with sunglasses, Jason Hudson, in the briefing room scene. In Black Ops he is voiced by Ed Harris and then Michael Keaton in the sequel, but it appears a new voice is tackling the character.

Apparently, the developers did not think it worth the effort to cast another big-name Hollywood star in the role this time around.

7 Perseus

Judging from the trailer, it seems the majority of the plot will revolve around players pursuing a Russian agent named Perseus who has evaded detection for decades, and is based on a supposed (but unconfirmed) real life spy with the same code name.

Many believe that the real Perseus infiltrated the United States, but no one has any clues as to their identity, leading many to believe that he or she never actually existed.

6 Different Voice Actors For Returning Characters

As exciting as it is to see fan favorite characters coming back, hardcore fans noticed the difference in their voices. Frank Woods has a particularly iconic performance in the prior entries, leading to disappointment that a different actor is performing the role.

The new performer will surely give it their all, but it would have been nice to hear the familiar actor. James C. Burns, who previously voiced Frank Woods, has expressed his disappointment in not being asked to return.

5 Russell Adler

One completely new face joining the team is Russell Adler, who is immediately striking with his large facial scar and sunglasses. While this detail is obvious, looking at the quick flashes of gameplay reveals Russell will spend plenty of time with the player.

The shots in Europe show Russell accompanying the main character. Will he become a series mainstay, or is he introduced only to betray the player later on?

4 Berlin Wall

While Berlin is very much at the forefront of the trailer, closer inspection reveals some iconic landmarks of the city during the era. One quick shot clearly shows the Berlin Wall, a border which separated East and West Germany during the nation’s separation in the Cold War. The wall eventually came down, something which symbolized the ending of tensions between the two superpowers.

3 Some Action Takes Place In The United States

The briefing scenes are not the only sections of the trailer taking place in the United States. Some action shows cars on a desert highway. While the shots are swift, pausing to read the signs not only shows they are written in English, but also that one of the signs reads “Mexico.” Some missions will take place near the border between the U.S. and Mexico.

2 RC Cars

One quick moment from the trailer shows someone deploy an RC car while driving away from a plane on a runway. The series has always tried to incorporate mechanics which feature the use of cutting edge technology. Seeing as the game takes place in the 1980s, they cannot use drones. Instead, the player can reasonably expect to control small vehicles like this during both stealth segments and bombastic set pieces.

1 Stealth Will Play A Key Role

Stealth in first-person shooters has always been iffy, but Modern Warfare pulled it off reasonably well. Moments in the trailer show the player taking down guards with a silenced pistol. Another quick glance shows Russell Adler in a guard’s uniform, implying not only stealth, but some undercover action as well.

Given the nature of the time period and the subtitle Black Ops, one expects stealth and espionage to play a significant role in the gameplay.

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