The Call of Duty community can be toxic, and it is a common practice for many players to quit a match if they predict a loss. While this is frowned upon by the game’s community, there are very few ways to stop this practice from happening. Players consider it bearable in casual play, but in a competitive ranked match, it can often ruin any chances of winning the round.

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In the recent update, Reddit user MIDKNIGHT2099 noticed a small addition listed near the end of the report. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s competitive play will now punish players who quit mid-match with a Match Suspension penality. The more penalties assigned to an account, the further the punishment will escalate, resulting in a deterrent for players who abandon matches. This is a long-requested feature by the League Play community, but for many, this is a massive jump from the no penalty version that many fans have dealt with.

Players in the comments point out that if they add this feature, they will need to prevent joining ongoing games. Fill players can often get stuck in a negative or unprepared situation, which could possibly ruin Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War league experiences. While the change is not listed, fans already see problems with the present solution.

Meanwhile, other fans believe this chance is a horrible decision. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War competitive atmosphere can become increasingly toxic, and this punishment forces players to stay in a match even if they have no chance of winning. With the competitive meta and multiple balance concerns still in the game, it is only so long before this becomes a more problematic fix rather than fixing the problem.

Still, this fix should return some of the balance to the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War environment. Players will be able to be assured that their team will most likely stick it out, and this can often give hope to a rebound or scoring some extra points near the end of a match.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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