Thus far, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s reference-heavy bundles have been purely movie related. The first pack was the Disavowed Assassin bundle, which served as an homage to Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill films and gave the Portnova Operator The Bride’s sword and motorcycle outfit. A second pack saw one of the clowns from The Dark Knight’s bank heist scene added to the game, complete with a bag of money slung over his shoulder.

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The latest Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War bundle to reference an existing property changes things up, instead highlight a video game series. The franchise being referenced is none other than Hitman, with the Scar Tissue pack that is currently in the store being filled with references to Agent 47’s games. One of the most obvious is the blueprint for the Milano 821 SMG, as it goes by the name Blood Money — the subtitle for 2006’s renowned Hitman game.

The Scar Tissue pack’s main feature is its skin, which sees the Call of Duty Operator Garcia being redesigned as “Hatchetman.” Apart from the not-so-subtle renaming, the bald head and red suit vest are obvious connections to the legendary killer. With fiber wire peeking out of the vest’s pocket and a pair of black gloves worn, the only thing that could make the skin pack a clearer nod to Hitman would be a bar code on the back of Garcia’s head. With so many little details, it is safe to say that Treyarch had a fun time designing this homage to the Hitman series.

Though players can unfortunately not use the fiber wire as a special melee weapon inside Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, it does appear in a finishing move that is part of the bundle. Much like 47 does in game, the “Hatchetman” version of Garcia chokes out his opponent, turning away from them as he uses the garrote to get a quiet kill. The pack includes a watch, reticle, calling card, and emblem as well. It costs 2,000 COD Points and will likely remain in the store for the next few days.

For those who have already experienced all that Hitman 3 has to offer, grabbing this skin may be a wise idea. Though role-playing as Agent 47 in a Call of Duty game will be a tough task, the fact that it is now possible should make for some interesting moments.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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