While falling through the map is not the worst glitch in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, as that title goes to the bug which sees Black Ops Cold War bricking Xbox Series X consoles, it still is incredibly frustrating. In modes where lives matter, such as Control or one-life options like VIP Escort and Search and Destroy, a single death due to a glitchy floor can cause major problems. Worse, this latest bug does not seem to be tied to any single map.

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One clip, posted by Sturmbrecher64, sees the player engaging in a gunfight on the Black Ops Cold War map Garrison. With the shootout being an intense one, seeing the player forced to take cover behind a set of barrels in the map’s spawn, things take a turn when Sturmbrecher64 falls through the map. With no explanation as to why the player fell, their adversary was surely just as confused when they got credit for the kill.

Players were quick to joke about where the player went off to, with Sturmbrecher64 mentioning in the title that he likely went to the Shadow Realm from Yu-Gi-Oh. Other suggestions saw Mario’s pipe levels, the Dark Aether from Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies, and Brazil, for some reason. Ultimately, the player knows nothing about their disappearance, but there is some solidarity in the fact that Sturmbrecher64 was not alone.

The Redditor was accompanied by OpTic member Envoy, with the pro attempting to hold the spawn on Moscow. Just like in the previous clip, the Black Ops Cold War player falls through the floor. Granting his opponent a kill and picking up a free death, the pro player cannot help but laugh at the absurd bug. With two different situations on two different maps, the bug will be hard to pin down. Hopefully Treyarch can still come up with a fix, though.

While many of Call of DUty: Black Ops Cold War’s bugs are harmful like this one, a few have stood out as helpful. With some players unlocking Dark Matter early and others discovering a super jump exploit, there are some benefits to the game’s buggy state. Still, it would be for the best if all these widespread glitches were removed as soon as possible.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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