Treyarch is constantly at work repairing and updating Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. In one of the more recent updates, Nuketown returned to the game’s community in a brand new style that makes the map feel new and refreshed. As fans checked in to the game in hopes of returning to their beloved battlefield, a strange glitch started manifesting in a unique way.

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The clip was posted to Reddit by FosheeVFX, and it shows their avatar in the middle of a match in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s Nuketown map. At first, the in-game screen is simply presenting some minor texture errors on the ground. They appear as giant-sized pixels and are scattered across the backyard. While stepping on them does nothing; it gives the map a strange decorative look. Things are fine until FosheeVFX decides to tab out of the game and return. Suddenly, the graphical error stretches to the rest of the map distorting everything in bright greens, pinks, blues, and more.

Everything from the house to the sky is now covered in a strangely warped color scheme with a dizzying effect. As the player moves through the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War map, they find that the textures start ricocheting across the screen, making the game almost unplayable.

So far, the glitch has only been reported on Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s Nuketown map. There is a chance that this is a technical error on the client-side, but the glitch could cause some problems for other players if it is not an isolated incident. Based on the developer Trello board, Treyarch is unaware of the graphical error leaving fans with the standard solution of rebooting the game.

Either way, this visual bug makes the game look like a tie-dye nuke had just exploded across the in-game graphics engine. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War might be the newest in high-end detailed graphics, but that does not make it immune to crazy side effects like the ones seen in this colorful clip.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Map Glitch May Have Improved Multiplayer