While Multi-Team Elimination still needs work, fans have quickly taken to the game’s other fresh additions, as Die Hardpoint and 12v12 offer some fresh takes on the classic Call of Duty approach. In the case of Die Hardpoint, the mode mixes in elements from Cranked alongside a series of unlockable perks, forcing players to be more aggressive. For 12v12, players can enjoy more hectic versions of the game’s 6v6 maps. Unfortunately, one downside of the modes is that they may be temporary.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s playlists are regularly changing, with modes like Dropkick appearing briefly than disappearing from the rotation completely. As such, fans are worried that the same thing will happen to 12v12 and Die Hardpoint. A post from Redditor Film_Director focuses on the former, citing the mode as the reason they have already completed Season 3. Not only do they push for the hectic mode to stay in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, but they also hope it will become a “staple” of the series and appear in all future games.

While the Combined Arms game mode does feature 12v12 gameplay, the massive maps and vehicles make it a different beast entirely. As for Die Hardpoint, it has received similarly positive posts, with Reddit user Todredmi campaigning to make the mode permanent. Citing how it discourages camping and “promotes movement,” the player loves the speed of the mode. The unique killstreak perks only add to this, with the player hoping that a version of Die Hardpoint persists after 80s Action Heroes ends.

While the intentionally cheesy killcam music and sound effects may have to be dropped, many seem to find the core gameplay to be a ton of fun. Die Hardpoint’s nuke killstreak has also proven to be a hit, giving players something to grind for. Further, Redditors like amazingspineman point out how the mode forces players to play the objective and “be a team,” with the “objective-based” nature of the mode being seen as a highlight. With players only able to stop their cranked timer by killing or getting on the Hardpoint, camping is impossible.

While Die Hardpoint may not fix Hardpoint’s scoring problem, it seems to solve every other issue fans have had with the mode. With 12v12 giving fans of hectic gameplay an outlet for fun as well, hopefully Treyarch acknowledges fan requests to make the modes permanent.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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