It is not uncommon that Call of Duty maps are based on real locations. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fans have found several real-world locations matching the maps, and even the original Call of Duty: Black Ops had rumored real-world locations. The only difference now is that the developers are including coordinates with each map.

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The process is simple, as players just put the coordinates into Google Maps and see where it takes them. To many fans’ surprise, the coordinates lead to real locations whose history may have inspired Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War maps. While they are not literally the map as seen in-game, some map history echoes in a rather familiar fashion.

As far as hidden German bunkers go, it was unlikely that a real-life Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Die Maschine location existed. While there is no bunker located in Morasko, Poland, there is an interesting Nature Reserve, which was considered Nazi Terrain during WW2. Frequency meteorites gave the area of Poland a reputation, and it is not a long strong to imagine secret German science happening somewhere in the forgotten countryside.

On another strange note, when one fan put in the coordinates for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Nuketown, it leads to a plot of land in Nevada. Once again, there is no actual town there, but instead a giant crater that Google openly offered photographs of. While it is not the map, it does give a funny thought for fans to discuss as many players can already assume what happened to the town.

The location is an actual nuclear test site used back in the 1960s. While the bomb was of a lesser scale than modern nuclear creations, the damage is still present alongside the massive crater. At the end of Call of Duty: Black Ops Nuketown, there is a scene of a nuclear bomb dropping; the town’s remnants could easily be this crater in the fictional Call of Duty universe.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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