The issue sounds slightly confusing for those who haven’t been up to date on the state of Call of Duty. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War was integrated into Warzone a few weeks ago, adding weapons and Operators into the battle royale. Many players were initially upset at this as a whole, stating they would rather the games stay entirely separate. Now it seems a more specific frustration has bubbled to the surface regarding how Operators and skins are unlocked in the game.

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Throughout most Call of Duty games, new skins for weapons or outfits for Operators are unlocked through different challenges in the game. This is mostly the same for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, except the challenges are spread across two games now. Many challenges reach a tier that asks players to complete contracts or get kills in Call of Duty: Warzone in order to continue advancing their Black Ops Cold War progress.

For players who normally jump between the two games, this seems almost better than normal as progress can constantly be made. However, many fans are outraged that they can’t unlock everything in their team versus game modes until they complete tasks in the battle royale game. Many of these players don’t enjoy the game type that Call of Duty: Warzone offers, so these skins and outfits are nearly impossible to obtain.

This has led to an outcry on social media, particularly Reddit, from upset players who feel that they paid full price for a video game and deserve to have all of the items that come with that. There is frustration that these challenges are merely advertisements that are forcing players to also complete contracts in Call of Duty: Warzone, rather than only play the game they paid full price for. The counter to this is that these items are all cosmetic and have no actual effect on the gameplay itself, so it isn’t a big deal if some of them aren’t including fully in one game.

This issue is coming off the heels of a large controversy surrounding Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War weapons, particularly the DMR 14, taking over the entire Warzone meta. This gun was finally nerfed and gave way to other weapons being comfortably used once more. Hopefully a similar solution can be reached regarding these challenges and the players that feel like they should be able to stick to just one game if they choose to.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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