While Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War made some interesting changes to the franchise formula, one thing that it unfortunately left the same was the point values in Hardpoint. Since the mode’s inception, Hardpoint has never properly awarded objective players. For every few seconds on the Hardpoint, players are offered 10 points, meaning that they get no real progress toward their scorestreaks when holding down the objective.

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Considering that many players prioritize kill/death ratios over win/loss stats, this has always been a major issue, as there is no reason for kill-hungry players to hold down a point. Worse, it sees players that are actively trying to win not being rewarded for their efforts, with the gamers that have the most time on the point rarely topping the scoreboard. However, as shown by Redditor mrsausage61, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s controversial scorestreak system has only made the problem more noticeable.

In the clip, mrsausage61 has 4325 points despite having an impressive 2 minutes and 37 seconds on the Hardpoint. A player above them has 5200 points, yet shockingly only has 8 seconds of objective time. Further, first place does not do much better, as they have 27 seconds on point — yet somehow boast a match score of 8330. An unbelievably frustrating sight for objective-minded fans, the score gap is caused by first and second place going on kill streaks. With large kill chains awarding an absurd amount points that unlock larger streaks and raise overall match score, there is only one real way to reach the top of the board.

Most of the comments were filled with players agreeing that the current system is unfair and makes no sense, with Redditors like stevengirard suggesting a perk be added that gives more points for objectives. Redditor DapperHamsteaks edits the tan’s comment, suggesting that objective-related score should just be raised instead. Another possibility would see Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players getting more score for every capture, or in the case of Hardpoint, every several seconds spent on the point. Clearly, though, something should be done, as there is little reason to play the objective at the moment.

For now, though, players will need to wait and see if Treyarch makes any adjustments. While the studio has made fan-requested map reworks and weapon changes, Hardpoint’s scoring problems have existed for years — making a fix seem unlikely.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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