The Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War teaser shows a hooded individual talking with a distorted voice about a conspiracy theory and “secrets.” The teaser generally seems light on details, but hardcore fans will like find some additional clues after they comb through every inch of it. In any case, there appears to be two different theories about what exactly this new teaser represents.

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The first theory is that this is part of the Black Ops Cold War Zombies mode reveal. Perhaps the “conspiracy” mentioned in the video is in regards to secret experiments that turned human beings into zombies. Secret Soviet zombie experimentation has been suggested as the Black Ops Cold War Zombies premise by leakers in the past, and so that does seem like a distinct possibility.

The other theory is that this teaser has nothing to do with Black Ops Cold War at all, and is instead in reference to Warzone Season 6. While the PawnTakesPawn website was used to reveal Black Ops Cold War, it was also directly tied to the Warzone battle royale, giving players secret codes that they could use to open locked doors and bunkers dotted across the map. It’s possible that this teaser video is setting up some of the changes that are coming to Warzone come Season 6’s September 29 start date.

For example, it’s possible that this teaser is about the Warzone Subway Stations opening up, which is set to be the biggest change to the battle royale with the Season 6 update. Opening the Warzone Subway Stations will let players explore underneath Verdansk, which could have huge ramifications on how players approach the game.

There will be some other changes to Warzone with the Season 6 update as well, though not all have been revealed just yet. Infinity Ward often likes to make secret Warzone changes when it releases a new season update, and so fans will likely still be discovering them days after Season 6 launches. In the meantime, fans will want to keep an eye on the PawnTakesPawn website, just in case it reveals more clues about what exactly this teaser is referencing.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War launches November 13 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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