One of the many Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War challenges tasks players with seeing all 7 possible endings to the mission “Break on Through.” If players can get through all 4 path ends, they will unlock the coveted Mind Trip achievement/trophy.

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To unlock the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War achievement, players must be ready to go through several scenarios multiple times. First, players need to start the mission “Break on Through,” which will place players in several different scenarios. There are four total scenarios and players must either obey or disobey Adler’s orders in each situation. To complete the achievement, players need to take different paths each time, which will deliver different endings depending on the player’s decisions.

In the first run-through, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players need to follow Adler’s instructions exactly. This will take them through the cave path in the first scenario, the village path in the second, and the napalm strike path in the third. The fourth scenario does not matter and players can decide whether or not they want to follow Adler’s instructions. All four intended memory endings should have players getting a room where Perseus is staring at a board on the other side of a table.

The second playthrough of the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Campaign will have players disobeying Adler throughout the first three scenarios. As long as players go down different paths in the first two they should be on the right track.

To make sure that a new ending is chosen, players need to go through the red door and find themselves in a different room than the intended Perseus room. During this playthrough, players need to take the right path during the first fork instead of traveling through the cave. Head towards the Lenin Statue and find a hidden trapdoor. Once inside, players will find themselves on a secret fourth path.

At this point, players can do whatever they want, but keep in mind players need to die at this point in the scenario to progress. Head through the red door hallways until the seventh and final memory ending is unlocked. The Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War achievement should not be far behind the completion of this second run-through.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available on Pc, Ps4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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