Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is rumored to be the new title for the Call of Duty game coming out sometime in 2020. Call of Duty: Black Ops initially was developed by Activision and released for consoles back in 2010, serving as a sequel to Call of Duty: World at War.

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The series takes place during the Cold War and follows the protagonist Alex Mason as he tries to remember the location of a number station that is used to broadcast information to sleeper agents. Call of Duty 2020 is believed to be a sequel to Black Ops 1 and will return four fan-favorite maps to the series.

According to a Twitter account named “LongSensation,” whose original account was deleted and is now using a secondary profile, claims that the maps Jungle, Summit, Firing Range, and Nuketown will be playable in Call of Duty 2020. It would make sense to have Nuketown come back since every Black Ops game has had some version of the map, but it is hard to make assumptions for the other areas.

LongSensation made another tweet claiming that Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War will not have it’s own Battle Royale version of the game. Instead, it will have a menu option that links to Call of Duty: Warzone. This claim would make sense since it would be way too soon to create a new version of a Battle Royale after Warzone came out not that long ago.

Activision has not released any new details that would lend credibility to LongSensation’s tweets, but it does state that game production is going well and is still set to release later this year. Hopefully, Call of Duty 2020 doesn’t fall into the same hole for game production being halted due to COVID-19. Whatever the case may be, fans should be excited for Activision to return to the cherished Black Ops series. Perhaps Activision will attempt to revisit the “Nazi Zombies” mode within this upcoming title.

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Source: Charlie Intel