Call of Duty games tend to be action-oriented, pushing the small details to the side while prioritizing intense combat sequences. Yet, more information has been slowly collected that seems to be taking smaller points into deeper consideration particularly regarding the upcoming Black Ops Cold War character generation process. Similar to the create-a-class system, players will be able to choose varying aspects of their custom soldier’s looks and, by new reports, psychological profiles.

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The psychological profiles are designed to help give a sense of each player’s character’s mental state. Depending on which profile is selected, the other characters and the world will react differently during key moments. The psychological profile section of the character creation system will most likely impact the ending of Black Ops Cold War and help determine the story that follows after each scene. Although there have been no in-game examples seen as of yet, the developers have shared some Black Ops Cold War psych profiles that will be in the next title.

Players will be able to select from 15 different psych profiles, but so far only the following have been confirmed.

Paranoid - Halves the time it takes to aim down sights. Lone Wolf - Allows players to sprint for twice as long. Violent Tendencies - Increases bullet damage. Professional - Grants players’ full movement speed while aiming down sights. Unstable - No description released as of yet. Fearless - No description released as of yet.

Each of the varying psych profiles offers traits based on their general description. These traits are permanent throughout the campaign and act as a minor buff straight out of character generation. Fans can think of them as campaign perks, but they affect the Cold War story just as much as the game itself.

There are still several psych profiles that have not been shared as of yet. With only the select few know, fans can gain an early understanding of how the system will work just from a small sampling. In the end, there will be 15 different options for fans to apply to their character, which gives a wide range of different Black Ops Cold War story arcs that could possibly be born from this unique system.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is set to release on November 13th for PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, and Xbox Series X.

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Source: PCGamesN