When Call of Duty games get patches of this size, developers usually allow them to be pre-loaded, meaning players can download the patch and all of its content before it goes live. That way, when the update does become available, players will be able to jump right in. While Treyarch is allowing pre-loading for Black Ops Cold War Version 1.14, as of this writing it will only be allowing it for the PlayStation 4.

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That said, Season 2 Reloaded launches today at 9:00 p.m. EST for some. With only so many hours left until then, it seems obvious that only the PlayStation 4 playerbase will be able to pre-load the game. Treyarch hasn’t given any reason why this is. While Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War does have PlayStation exclusive content, it’s important to note that pre-loading isn’t available on the PlayStation 5, so “PlayStation exclusive” likely isn’t the reason.

Regardless, players can choose not to download the Call of Duty: Warzone Season 2 update or specific data packs for the Black Ops Cold War update if they want to make the overall file size smaller, and thus easier for their gaming system of choice to download. In Call of Duty: Warzone’s case, players can simply download it later if they play the game but are more interested in the Black Ops Cold War content to start. It’s not as useful as pre-loading, but it is an alternative.

While it’s unfortunate that not everyone will be able to preload Season 2 Reloaded, it’s not that big of a deal either. The update launches for everyone at 12:00 a.m. ET on March 30, and it doesn’t contain any content that’s only available to those who hopped on it first. Everyone will still be able to enjoy all of the perks and new additions that the mid-season update plans to offer — aside from the PlayStation exclusive content, of course.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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