As with past games in the series, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players can unlock a gold camo when they complete every other weapon challenge for a specific gun. Requiring a lot of headshots, longshots, and other miscellaneous objectives, this process takes plenty of work. For those that are truly dedicated to the game, getting every weapon gold will unlock diamond camo, and players can then go on to obtain Dark Matter by earning all diamond camos.

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Unfortunately, one key issue is seen with all three of these mastery camo options. As pointed out by Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War fans on several occasions, these camo patterns never seem to cover an entire gun. In some cases, the camo is hardly even noticeable, with much of the weapon remaining black as the gold camo stays limited to the side of the gun. With all the work that goes into unlocking these camos, players have been understandably annoyed when their hard work is so easily missable in-game.

In a post that racked up over a hundred positive comments and 3,000 upvotes, Redditor JDM_MoonShibe showed off a potential camo rework. Using the gold camo and the AK-47 Assault Rifle as the foundation for the redesign, the player gives the weapon a look that many fans have requested. The barrel, magazine, stock, and grips all boast a gold pattern, with only a small bit of black left on top of the gun to ensure that the gold is unmissable.

Another Reddit user named Knifeflipper points to the first Black Ops game as an example of what should be done with gold camo. Praising the game for how it made metallic sections of a gun gold while leaving wooden or synthetic areas alone, the player feels that this “simple recipe for aesthetics” was best. Other players cite the original Modern Warfare as a prime example of doing the gold camo justice, though regardless of whichever game fans prefer, it seems like the consensus is that the older mastery camo designs were superior.

While it remains to be seen if Treyarch will make another fan-requested weapon change, there is clearly interest in seeing the camos improved. For now, though, players that do not like the current look may want to skip out on the camo grind and just enjoy the game instead.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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