Dialogue trees were one of the unique features in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s campaign. During the safe house sections, players could engage in RPG-like conversations, learning more about their allies and getting more attached to them. This allowed players to form close bonds with characters like Adler, Sims, Park, and Lazar. While the first three characters are multiplayer Operators, Lazar has been omitted from this role, something that some fans are desperate to see change.

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Given how Lazar seems to be genuinely kind to Bell and his other partners during the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War story, many have a soft spot for the CIA member. As such, players have been hoping to see him added to multiplayer ever since the game launched, with many different posts online calling for him to be added. The latest push comes courtesy of Reddit user ThreeHeadedRaven. Not only does the title fire shots at the amount of Park skins released for the game, but the player jokingly uses the hashtag “Justice For Lazar.”

Part of the character’s popularity comes from the fact that players choose if he lives or dies in the game. During a mission near the end of the story, the protagonist Bell has to decide between leaving Park behind or sacrificing Lazar. Either option will lead to death, making the decision a tough one for fans. While Park is the more popular character amongst the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War community, there are clearly a lot of people who chose Lazar instead.

Unfortunately, the game seems to have deemed Lazar surviving as non-canon. With the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War multiplayer story taking place after the main campaign, and Park being a selectable Operator, the consensus seems to be that Bell choosing to save Park is the official ending. As such, it makes sense why Lazar is not available to play as in online play, as the character is dead in the “real” ending of the game. Still, this has not stopped posts like this one from appearing all over social media in the months since the game released.

With over 2,000 upvotes on the post, there are many Lazar fans that are sad the character has not gotten more love. With Treyarch’s next Call of Duty game supposedly being semi-futuristic, though, Lazar re-appearing is even less likely.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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