With Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players on all platforms reporting the issue, it seems to be a nagging problem for the entirety of the player base. Some players have theorized that round transitions are the cause, as pausing when switching between rounds in a multiplayer match may mess with the game’s systems. With pausing supposed to be impossible during these sequences, likely to stop rage quits, the game locking players to the pause menu makes sense.

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Unfortunately, if the bug does happen, there is nothing that players can do. As shown by Redditor RetroJayK, players cannot send messages in chat or scroll through the options of the menu. As such, it is impossible to quit the match, meaning that a hard reboot of the game is required. The entire time that RetroJayK is messing with the broken menu, players can be seem fighting it out in Nuketown, with the Reddit user missing out on all the fun. According to RetroJayK, this has happened to them on three separate occasions.

With the only solution being a hard reboot, gamers are forced to lose all their progress from the match if the bug occurs. Worse, the only way to avoid it would be to not utilize the pause menu at all, which means Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s class selection and team chat is off limits. With players risking a pause screen freeze if they want to switch guns or talk to their team, this issue is certainly troublesome. Fortunately, Treyarch community manager FoxhoundFPS has confirmed that a fix is on the way.

Telling fans that he has shared the issue with Treyarch and confirming that the “team is aware” of the problem, FoxhoundFPS assures gamers that he will keep them updated on any news regarding a menu bug fix. Currently, Treyarch is working on several fixes for some high-profile bugs. Fixes for disappearing player names, Zombies XP progression, and the AMP63’s aim assist in Zombies are all in the works. Unfortunately, there is no ETA for these fixes, with players simply needing to wait and ignore the issues as best they can.

With two weeks left in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Season 3, there is  a chance that fans could see a patch arrive in that time. If it does not, the best bet for a fix would likely be the launch of Season 4, though this remains unconfirmed.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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