To be fair, Treyarch has shown that it is willing to make big changes if the demand is high enough. For example, several Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War launch maps were reworked for Season 2, with Moscow’s size reduced and Cartel’s controversial bushes trimmed. With a smaller version of Miami set to come later this Season as well, Treyarch seems willing to make changes if it will improve the game’s quality. With map changes like these rarely seen in Call of Duty games prior to this one, fans have good reason to be optimistic about their voices being heard.

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Rather than pointing out another Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War blueprint that is broken like the Gallantry MAC-10, fans have pointed out a visual issue with blueprints. With blueprints being entirely about showing off a more stylish version of a weapon, any visual issues are understandably troubling. As such, it makes sense that players are bothered about how changing their attachments ruins the look of their blueprints.

Highlighted by Redditor sintaroactual, equipping “better” attachments for a weapon comes with a downside of damaging a gun’s appearance. For example, if players change the magazine on the Z-74u from the Samantha Maxis Operator bundle, the look of the gun will be drastically changed — with the magazine looking normal instead of keeping the color change. This only gets worse with barrels and stocks, as these changes show more clearly when swapped on a blueprint weapon.

Sintaroactual and several commenters feel that the best change would be to lock a blueprint weapon’s appearance regardless of attachment changes. This means that players could put an entirely different group of attachments on a weapon, yet the overall look will remain intact. With many blueprints making use of low level attachments that improve stats some players do not care about, being forced to waste attachment slots just to keep a weapon looking good is simply not worth it. As such, blueprints that players buy or obtain through the Battle Pass may not be used as much as fans would like.

Hopefully, a change to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s attachments is made, as the current setup is not pleasing fans. After all, with players spending anywhere between $5-20 to make their guns look special, nothing should be getting in the way of keeping them that way.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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