Fortunately, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War continued its story through the multiplayer and Warzone Seasons. Each new Season brought an intro and outro cutscene, with players seeing one of Adler’s old adversaries return for revenge. The villain in question was Stitch, and the post-launch Seasons saw him carrying out a plan in honor of the original Perseus. While some questions do remain unanswered, here is everything that happened in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s post-launch story.

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Stitch’s Revenge

Stitch was the first post-launch Operator introduced to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, with the character’s past quickly revealed to players through a cutscene. The villain was in charge of the Nova 6 facility on Rebirth Island and reported directly to Kravchenko. As a result, when the CIA eventually raided the facility, Stitch was treated harshly. As a form of revenge for Kravchenko taking Weaver’s eye, Adler removed one of Stitch’s, with the interrogation being brutal.

Despite Stitch not being the one to injure Weaver, he was punished for it, though he did not give up any information on the KGB. Even still, when Kravchenko recovered Stitch from the CIA, he sent him to the gulag for his failure. After two years in the Russian prison, Stitch met Perseus, who sold him on the idea of creating a Greater Russia. While he despised Kravchenko, he was more focused on changing the world than he was on getting revenge. With Stitch knowing so much about Nova 6, he became vital to Perseus’ schemes. He eventually escaped the Gulag.

In 1984, Stitch lured Adler to the Mall at the Pines, using Nova 6 canisters as bait. Once he arrived, Stitch captured the CIA agent, taking him to a hidden location in Verdansk. This led to Call of Duty: Warzone’s Hunt for Adler event, which saw players trying to find intel that would help lead them to their former ally. Unbeknownst to them, Adler would end up playing a key part in Stitch’s plan.

Stitch’s Plan

After capturing Adler, Stitch distracted Frank Woods and other Operators by making it seem like Adler was being held in Laos. Once again using Nova 6 as bait, the mission ultimately led to the discovery that Adler was in Verdansk. As Woods went to rescue Adler, Stitch sent fellow Perseus agents Wraith and Knight to recover the Numbers protocol from Yamantau. Successful in their mission, the pair destroyed the base with a nuke, evacuating with the Numbers data and leaving no trace of their presence.

Stitch then used the Numbers to brainwash Adler, meaning that Woods recovered someone who was under the control of Perseus. Stitch then ordered an Operator named Jackal to destroy a satellite that would have stopped his Numbers broadcast, and the mind-controlled Adler helped with covering up this act. With the satellite gone, a Perseus hacker named Kitsune was able to hack into a NATO listening station and activate Stitch’s Numbers broadcast. The broadcast then spread throughout the entirety of Verdansk, which was Stitch’s ultimate goal.

However, with the brainwashed Adler given so much free will, he was able to fight back against the mind control to an extent. After The Numbers event, Adler planted bombs through Verdansk, leveling the city and stopping the broadcast. While Stitch was unable to stop these explosives from going off, his mission was ultimately complete, as he had succeeded in spreading the Numbers broadcast across the country.

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Stitch And Adler’s Final Discussion

In the Season 6 intro cutscene, Alex Mason is shown repairing Adler’s mind. Having suffered due to the Numbers in the past, he was the perfect person for the job, and he was able to help Adler get full control of his mind. With Adler back to normal, Woods, Hudson, and Mason accompanied him to Verdansk so that he could deal with Stitch once and for all. Mason then allowed Adler to take the lead, with the others watching on from the helicopter as he talked to the man that broke his mind.

Instead of an intense final fight against the villain, Stitch was unarmed. As such, he had a lengthy conversation with Adler, which is genuinely interesting to see given how much harm the characters had done to each other. Through this dialogue, Stitch reveals that the original Perseus died from cancer in 1983, with Stitch having led the group throughout all of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s post-launch Seasons. As such, the “real” Perseus is already dead, with Stitch promising that another will take his place once he is killed. According to Stitch, Perseus is an ideal as opposed to any singular person, which is a nice explanation for why the real-world Perseus was never actually caught by the CIA.

Soon after, Stitch clarified that he had succeeded in his plan of making a Greater Russia, likely hinting at the idea that he created several sleeper agents in Verdansk. In turn, he said that his life no longer matters, accepting his fate as Adler shot him in the back of the head. While some have theorized that a sniper instead killed Adler, as Stitch touching his eye could have been a signal and the screen cuts to black once the gunshot is fired, this is purely speculation. With neither character appearing in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, it could have gone either way - though Stitch’s speech and his choice of meeting spot certainly made it seem like he was ready to die. Regardless, it will be interesting to see if players see the results of Stitch’s massive Numbers broadcast in a future Call of Duty game.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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