Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies fans be seeing a subway station serving as a large part of the new map, building off an unused idea from Call of Duty: World at War. The result could be an interesting new traversal system for the Season 4 map, allowing players to get around the location quickly. Further, revisiting a subway map concept opens the door for other cut concepts to return one day. With several interesting map ideas cut, the fact that Treyarch is willing to revisit these old ideas could turn out to be a major positive for Zombies fans.

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Call of Duty: World at War’s Cut Subway Map

In Call of Duty: World at War’s campaign, players eventually find themselves in some Subway tunnels. After fighting through groups of enemies alongside Viktor Reznov, the tunnels are flooded, bringing the mission to a close. The location is dark and expansive, though, making it a perfect concept for a Call of Duty Zombies map. While that never came to be, it has always been rumored to be a plan, with evidence found for a multiplayer version as well.

This cut Call of Duty: World at War multiplayer map was called Subway, and it was truly massive. Stretching for long distances and incorporating massive tunnels, the location was simply far too big for Call of Duty’s style of multiplayer. As such, the map was repurposed as Station, a fall smaller underground area that was cut off by a collapsed tunnel. While it was still an interesting map, as there were clever details like people shouting behind the rubble, fans have always wondered what a train station could have looked like in Zombies.

Call of Duty: World at War heavily reused multiplayer and campaign assets for Zombies, as the original Ultimis crew used faces from random NPCs from the game. Further, the Nightfire multiplayer map was essentially Der Riese, while the original Zombies map Nacht Der Untoten reused a bunker from the campaign. As such, it is easy to see why rumors started about the cut Subway map being for Zombies, as the sheer size of the location would have been perfect for an encounter with the undead. The dark tunnels would have worked wonders for the mode, too, as Zombies had a much scarier tone at the time. While it never did come to be, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War could be making the concept a reality over 12 years later.

How The Subway Could Work In Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s New Zombies Map

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s upcoming Survival map is rumored to be set in Berlin, and if this is the case, it is easy to picture how a subway could fit in. While most of the map will likely be set above ground, a subway system could bring a welcome level of verticality to the map. Gamers could head below ground to traverse the map quickly, running through a tunnel and heading up the stairs at the other end to reach another area in Berlin. The subway car could serve as a hazard like the train in the Express map, making this fast underground travel a risk.

Another possibility would see players riding the subway train. It could function just like the Tram system from Shadows of Evil, with players spending 500 points to get from one area to another. The subway car could also take players directly to Pack-A-Punch, making it a proper journey to the machine like the ones seen in TranZit or Buried. Regardless of whether it is a hazard for players or a way to travel, it seems like the subway car is the only source of light in the underground area. As such, the location will likely work like Die Maschine’s underground base, with players using flashlights until the power is turned on.

Aside from the subway being expansive and full of the usual weapons and mystery box spawn points, a final possibility could see the subway car serving as a trap. This far, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies has not featured traps, which is an odd omission considering their importance in other games. Seeing as the Zombies are crushed by the subway car, it could be a way to deal with hordes that are on the tracks. No matter how extensive this subway system is, though, the fact that it is being included at all suggests that a few other old concepts are not off the table.

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Other Cut Call of Duty Zombies Map Ideas That Could Return

Beyond just the Subway map, Treyarch has shut down some other extremely promising Zombies projects in the past. Before Treyarch needed to take over for Sledgehammer Games on Call of Duty 2020, it was rumored that Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 would be getting a second Season of content. In this second Season, content like Zombies Chronicles 2 was expected, with gamers getting remasters for TranZit, Die Rise, and Buried. More intriguingly, a final map set in the Chaos universe was expected.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Chaos Story remains divisive to this day, as it attempted to tell a new narrative focused more on mythology than science. With players fighting actual Gods and Medusa being revealed as the main villain, the Chaos Story was building up to a grand finale set in the Library of Alexandria. While this historical location would have made for a neat map, it never came to be, with the story ending on a cliffhanger. However, there was tons of potential in that second storyline, and it would be great to see the Chaos story return. With this old Subway concept making a comeback, perhaps Chaos could be revisited one day as well.

Older concepts could be looked at as well, with the most intriguing being the rumored Paris map. Supposedly, it would have seen players fighting on and around the Eiffel Tower, with the iconic landmark holding the map’s Pack-A-Punch machine. The Paris catacombs would have also featured as a playable space in the map, giving it a vertical style that the Subway system could be adding to Berlin. While Paris was eventually repurposed into Moon, seeing it reworked into a brand-new map would be incredible. Further, it could fit with the more grounded Dark Aether narrative as well. While the subway tunnels should make a fine addition to the upcoming Survival map, them being included at all is much more interesting than the tunnels themselves.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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