In recent years, hero shooters have become increasingly popular throughout the community. Big names like Overwatch and Apex Legends dominate the multiplayer shooter market today in part because of the diverse heroes players can control. The Call of Duty series has its own version of this mechanic known as Operators. From backstories to equipment, these characters provide strategic gameplay and personalized charm.

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While multiple Operators like Samantha Maxis have been shown off, these new ones have their own style. Coming with the launch of this mid-season patch is Terrell Wolf, a member of NATO. The character has roots in America’s deep south territory of Louisiana. Honing his skills as a hunter in the local bayous, Wolf formally entered service at the age of 18. As a Delta Force sniper, he is a force to be reckoned with. And his finishing move brings along a loyal canine supporter to help Wolf take out targets.

The other Operator is also part of NATO and will be heading to the game sometime during Season 2 Reloaded. Karla Rivas hails from Nicaragua, where she earned her combat experience from battling violent cartels. These gang wars tore apart the surrounding communities, and this pushed Rivas to fight back. Not completely unlike Wolf, this operator also depends on subterfuge with her guerilla-style mechanics. Both Operators will be available as separate store bundles for this season of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

Of all the content updates that can come to a shooter, extra heroes are usually a big one. Since each brings unique playstyles to the game, new meta strategies can form in matches. With League Mode opening weekend hitting big numbers in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, these Operators should shake up the rankings. It sounds like both of these characters are bringing some additional story beats to the game as well, which will be great for those invested in the narrative.

Some players may be disappointed by these Operators for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. It sounds like both will rely on stealthier or underhanded strategies, which is a far cry from aggressive running and gunning. Fans hoping to collect all the heroes will need to dish out additional purchases for the extra store bundles to0. Nevertheless, the Season 2 Reloaded patch is adding in a bunch of extra content for players, so they can check out the new Operators when the patch launches today March 29.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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