The update applied tons of different changes to the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War armory. Changes were made to the weapons themselves, along with several attachment changes to help the guns perform as the developers originally intended. The XM4, QBZ-83, FFAR 1, Groza, FARA 83, C58, KSP 45, and LC10 all received changes, along with the entire Assault Rifle and Pistol categories.

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Across the entire Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Assault Rifle category, fans will notice a change to the Agency Suppressor and Suppressor attachments. Each of these weapons has received a reduction to its standard “Reduced Bullet Velocity penalty,” making a massive change to how silenced weapons will operate in this category. This change will make Assault Rifles stronger at longer ranges while still maintaining their silenced nature. Meanwhile, all Pistols that are dual-wielded will reduce movement and strafe speeds by 5%, which inhibits an operator’s mobility.

The changes made to the XM4 have to do with its handling. As a more popular Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Assault Rifle, the weapon sees play by both experts and new players alike. Reload Quickness, Recoil Control, and several attachments have been adjusted to make the weapon more approachable to the game’s audience. The Salvo 50 RND Fast Mag and SAS Mag Clamp attachments have both been removed and replaced with varying options.

FFAR saw a similar overhaul, with several of its attachments receiving nerfs. This is considered a move to balance the weapon against other options, but it has limited the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War weapon for shorter ranges. Meanwhile, the FARA and QBZ only received small changes. The FARA 83 has reduced recoil and a small Iron Sights adjustment, while the QBZ only had its vertical recoil reduced by 10%.

The Groza was adjusted for better handling along with visual improvements to try and make it more streamlined in use. Several attachment adjustments help the weapon define itself as a bullpup AR, but the changes also make it a less mobile weapon. Hip-fire accuracy and movement speed have been adjusted across several Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War attachment changes.

The C58 received an overhaul on its recoil system, and the weapon now has improved visibility when initially firing. Its damage range increase makes it a more versatile option on the battlefield for any proficient fans. Meanwhile, the KSP 45 received a reduction in its range, and the LC 10 has increased recoil giving a major nerf to two popular Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War weapons.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Treyarch