This is hardly the first time that a Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War bundle has come with some in-game issues. For example, a strange bug saw the Samantha Maxis Operator being entirely invisible after she was added to the game, something that proved frustrating for those that had been waiting to play as the Zombies protagonist. Now, Sam’s close friend and fellow Zombies character Grigori Weaver has managed to get a broken bundle all to himself.

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Weaver was added as an Operator in Season 4 Reloaded, with his default skin showing him shortly after he lost his eye. With Weaver no longer tied to the Black Ops campaigns and instead being an integral part of the Zombies narrative, it makes sense that he would get some cosmetics themed around the mode. Fortunately, the Requiem Renaissance bundle provided just that, as Weaver has been given a number of items themed around the Dark Aether. Unfortunately, YouTuber Guny and several other players have pointed out the aim assist bug tied to the pack.

Specifically, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players may want to avoid using the Crystallized Weaver skin until a patch arrives. While this is the main draw of the bundle, as it sees Weaver in a gas mask and completely covered in purple Dark Aether crystals, this stylish skin is completely breaking the game’s aim assist feature. While this issue has fortunately not spread to Call of Duty: Warzone, making the skin safe to use there, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players should avoid using the outfit until a fix is made.

Fortunately, Treyarch was quick to fix another aim assist-related bug that was tied to the AMP 63, so hopefully an equally fast fix comes for this new skin. As for the other items in this bundle, like a crystal-covered watch, Dark Aether-themed tank skin, and some matching guns, it seems like they have no ties to this frustrating bug. In turn, players should be free to use any other item in the bundle, keeping an eye on patch notes and Treyarch’s Trello page for updates on the skin.

With such a fix likely not taking as much time and effort as something like a complete Sniper rework, it should not take too long to be adressed. For now, though, fans should keep letting Treyarch know that this problem exists.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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