Despite the difficulty, the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War challenges are still far easier than Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Damascus grind. The challenges seem catered to every weapon with adjusted numbers in each category. Still, they would not be called challenges if they were easy.

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In Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, there is a challenge set for the SMG to achieve 50 Longshot Medals. While this number is lower than many other challenges, it can be difficult to score longshot kills with this close-range high-recoil weapon class. Despite the accuracy challenge, the weapon also has rapid damage loss over distance, making the entire process of getting longshots surprisingly difficult. Still, there are several things that players can do to try and gain the upper hand during this difficult challenge.

Gaining SMG Longshots

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War’s attachment system makes it possible to customize almost any weapon for any situation. SMGs are no exception, as players can build attachments to optimize bullet velocity and damage range. Players should equip a barrel, grip, and a 2X sight at the bare minimum to prioritize recoil control and damage increases.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Multiplayer offers a Hardcore mode that eliminates weapon balancing from the equation for a quicker solution. In Hardcore game modes, player health is lowered, and it is easier to score kills at almost any range as long as the bullets hit their targets. This gives SMGs an advantage in some situations and makes them a 1 or 2 shot kill at long range.

With the addition of Nuketown in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, players can easily camp one point and gain a majority of their longshot kills. In the rear of the Blue house is a fallout shelter that offers a direct line of sight into the Yellow house’s garage. From here, players can sit with a scoped AR and pick off enemies.

The goal of trying to gain a Longshot in Call of Duty is to achieve a kill outside of the weapon’s standard ranges. This does mean that players will need to find long sightlines on multiple maps to achieve their kills. If players simply equip a scope onto their SMG and wait in the correct spot of Hardcore Nuketown, they will be able to achieve their 50 longshots in a reasonable amount of time.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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