An invincibility glitch is hardly a new thing for Call of Duty, as Modern Warfare’s invincibility glitches have been plentiful over the past several months. However, such a glitch occurring in a game of Call of Duty Zombies could be even more troublesome, considering that the whole purpose of the mode is to survive against increasingly difficult hordes of enemies. Such a glitch does exist, however, with YouTuber Caspahz discovering how to activate God Mode in Die Maschine.

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While other “beneficial” glitches such as random Dark Matter unlocks have been hard to replicate within Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, this God Mode glitch is guaranteed to work every time. For players interested in replicating the glitch, Caspahz has shared a step-by-step tutorial on how to do just that. However, some players in online lobbies may not want to have glitches used to reach high rounds, so players eager to use the God Mode exploit should be courteous of their teammates.

The complicated process behind the glitch sees players building Die Maschine’s Aetherscope, while simultaneously shooting most of the orbs needed to start the coffin dance easter egg. By entering the Dark Aether while shooting the final coffin dance orb, players now need to carry out the first step of the main quest easter egg. Once complete, glitch-using players should be invincible for the remainder of the game. With Zombies running away from the player and piling up in corners, the rest of the game should be a breeze.

While such a glitch could have its uses, such as easter egg hunters being able to explore the map without having to deal with their undead foes, most players will likely use it to cheat their way to reaching high rounds in Zombies. Regardless, Treyarch should have this God Mode trick patched sooner rather than later.

For now, though, Die Maschine contains a glitch that essentially gives players a permanent version of the Aether Shroud field upgrade. For people struggling with the main easter egg quest, this glitch could prove useful — even if it removes any sense of accomplishment from a Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies match.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Die Maschine Zombies Easter Egg Step-by-Step Breakdown