While Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies includes simple easter eggs like Plaguehound petting, more complex side quests can be carried out as well. This giant hand easter egg falls into the latter category, as it sees players doing quite a bit of work to fully complete it. However, the reward is certainly worthwhile, as it sees the player’s equipped weapon instantly transformed into a Legendary variant — something that would normally require a few dozen rounds of upgrades and a lot of spent salvage.

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Enter The Dark Aether And Shoot The Buttons

The easter egg starts off easily enough, seeing players enter the Dark Aether through one of the map’s many portals. Whether it be the portal tied to the Aetherscope, Pack-A-Punch, or a D.I.E. Upgrade, players simply need to enter the Dark Aether from any portal to start up the special quest. From there, heading over to the Medical Bay is required, which is an area on Die Maschine that all players should be able reach easily. That said, starting on the steps sooner rather than later is recommended, as dealing with the Megaton mini boss during the easter egg would be a painful experience.

Players should then look to the barrier on the left of the Speed Cola perk machine. Behind this barrier, four red buttons will need to be shot, a task that will be far easier in co-op matches due to a fellow player being able to train a zombie. For solo players, the Aether Shroud field upgrade and decoys will work wonders for providing the necessary time to shoot the buttons. Once the buttons are shot (the order does not matter), Nova 6 gas will be emitted from below the doors that sit beside the buttons, and a fifth door will see a green light shine behind its window. Players can trigger the next step by shooting the button beside this door.

Letting The Giant Hand Rack Up Kills

Suddenly, a massive hand will burst through the door, waving around madly inside the barrier. It should look familiar to those who have seen Die Maschine’s giant monster, as the creature’s non-club hand is the same one that players are seeing in this easter egg. Players will need to let the hand rack up a total of 15 kills, a tricky process due to the Zombies needing to come through the barrier. Once again, decoys will help with this step, as players must hold off in the area so that they can re-activate the hand every 15-20 seconds. It is also worth noting that players must be in the Dark Aether to trigger the hand’s appearance.

Once the risky process of “feeding” the hand is complete, the weapon players are holding will instantly be transformed into a Legendary version of the same gun —meaning that players should avoid holding out a wonder weapon or maxed out weapon while doing the easter egg. This side quest is certainly an interesting one in terms of its steps, as it sees the mysterious monsters once again assisting the player. Revealed to be “Elder Gods” via Die Maschine’s collectible intel, the creatures’ appearances in the map are certainly an interesting tease for the future.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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