The news of this Call of Duty title hitting the backward compatible roster was confirmed by Larry “Major Nelson” Hyrb over on Twitter, with a link through to the full rundown of backward compatible games. It marks the first time that the series has made its way to the backward compatibility lineup, with publisher Activision instead reportedly releasing the Modern Warfare trilogy as a bundle on old-gen devices.

The reveal of this title for backward compatibility ties in with a cryptic Tweet from Mike Ybarra that hit last night, with the Xbox lead engineer suggesting that something would happen in approximately 13.5 hours. With a listing for the game appearing on the Xbox dashboard shortly afterwards, many were hoping that the news would indeed be Black Ops-related. However, some were still cautious, particularly after Microsoft jumped the gun with Red Dead Redemption, before eventually removing the game for download.


Call of Duty: Black Ops was originally released back in 2010 and immediately won the hearts of fans. The Treyarch-developed first-person shooter was a tremendous success, and has gone on to spawn two sequels, with 2015’s Black Ops 3 still getting into best-selling games charts.

Recently, Microsoft has made some big changes to the way in which the Xbox One’s backward compatibility functionality works. The company has confirmed that the service finally allows gamers to play multi-disc Xbox 360 titles on the Xbox One, with Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut becoming the first multiple disc game available through the system. What’s more, this now opens up the feature to plenty of other much-wanted titles, including the likes of Mass Effect 2.

Fans of Call of Duty will no doubt be hoping that the Treyarch title lives up to its former reputation through the backward compatibility option. After all, gamers after an older Call of Duty experience have felt a little let down by publisher Activision of late, particularly after the remastered edition of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was confirmed to only be available through the special editions of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Hopefully, Black Ops will make a fine addition to the Xbox One’s backward compatible library.

Source: Twitter (1), Twitter (2)