The new Call of Duty game, allegedly releasing towards the end of the year, will follow the same trend, apparently including a cooperative game mode that pits a team of human players against a swarm of AI enemies in an attempt to reach a specific objective. It’s been heavily rumored for a long time now that this year’s Call of Duty is going to be a sequel to 2019’s Modern Warfare, and with the addition of a new mode, this could be a Call of Duty to watch out for.

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What Is Call of Duty’s DMZ Mode?

According to reputable leaker Tom Henderson, Modern Warfare 2 is going to feature a brand new mode called “DMZ.” While the leaker is unsure whether or not this will be the final title of the mode, he did give some more information about the mode.

Apparently, this new DMZ mode will take heavy inspiration from the co-op survival game Escape From Tarkov. For those unaware, Escape From Tarkov drops a team of human players into a massive battle royale-sized map, and gives them an objective to reach across the other side of the map. On their way to the objective, players will come into contact with a vast number of AI foes, and will have to use their own tactics, and the equipment and weapons they’ve scavenged, to battle their way to the objective.

This type of game mode is perfectly suited to Call of Duty’s gameplay style, especially the more realistic and heavy-feeling Modern Warfare series. The foundations for this game mode are already there in Warzone, so making this mode feel like a fully fleshed-out experience should be fairly straightforward.

It’s also been leaked that this new DMZ mode has been in the works since 2018, and was originally intended to be included in the first Modern Warfare, alongside a Zombies mode that was scrapped very early on in development. With well over four years’ worth of development, it would seem likely that this game mode has been polished to a high degree. Combining this with the fact that Modern Warfare 2 has had a full three-year development cycle, extremely rare for the Call of Duty franchise, and players just might find their new favorite third mode.

This does mean, however, that Modern Warfare’s Spec Ops mode will likely not be returning for the sequel. To be fair though, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s Spec Ops mode wasn’t all that great, and its exclusivity to PlayStation at launch only meant that it faded into obscurity all the more quickly.

It’s currently unknown whether the new DMZ mode will be exclusive at all at launch. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War featured a plethora of PlayStation-exclusive content, including a whole Zombies Onslaught game mode, along with some other exclusive cosmetics.

But on the other hand, the series’ most recent release, Call of Duty: Vanguard, didn’t have any exclusive modes for PlayStation users, only offering some early access to content, and some XP boosts. With the mixed reception of the last two Call of Duty entries, it seems likely that Infinity Ward will want to keep its new game as accessible as possible, meaning that this rumored DMZ mode could be included in all versions at launch.

Call of Duty 2022 is in development.

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