Call of Duty: Modern Warfare recently added Gamebattles, granting players to duke it out on a fair playing field. With this comes the idea that everyone will also have all weapons unlocked, and all attachments available. This update allows players to carry those saved weapons over to both Modern Warfare multiplayer and Warzone, with some sneaky smart thinking.

RELATED: Call of Duty: How to Get Six Attachments on Primary Weapon in Modern Warfare and Warzone

How To Create a Custom Mode With Attachments that Are Not Unlocked

For starters, players must jump into GameBattles from the multiplayer menu. Then players must go to the Loadout section of GameBattles. Players can then create the gun they desire, with all five attachments, including ones they haven’t unlocked. For the sake of this trick, a gun that hasn’t yet been fully worked on is one that can be toyed around with. Try creating the overpowered Grau setup for example.

Once the attachments have been placed, the player must “Save Custom Mod” by giving it a name and saving it. This will allow the gun to be almost like a blueprint in Modern Warfare which can then be selected at any moment for a loadout.

The last step is the easiest and most satisfying. Go back to the Modern Warfare multiplayer screen or to the Call of Duty: Warzone screen and to the Loadout section. From here select a weapon and instead of picking the gun, select a blueprint/Custom Mod and the brand new Custom Mod will be there with all the new attachments will be there. Now players can jump into Modern Warfare multiplayer or Warzone with the best loadouts without needing to unlock all the attachments first.

Leveling up a weapon with all of its attachments can take some time. There are many strong weapons in Warzone and Modern Warfare, and many weak ones as well. While using the Custom Mod versions the weapons will still level up, players will still be able to use the guns with all the attachments they desire.

One important thing to note is that the weapons need to be leveled up to a certain point before a Custom Mod can be created. For example, the Renetti must be at level 8 before a custom Mod can be created, the Striker 45 must be level 10, etc. But leveling a gun to such a low level is still easy to do. And once that level is met, jumping into GameBattles and creating an all-powerful Custom Mod is the perfect way to create the ultimate weapon.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Call of Duty: Warzone is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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