After the announcement from the NPD Group, as reported by GameSpot, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’s publisher, Activision, put out a press release that built on the analyst firm’s findings. Interestingly enough, the video game company has revealed that that Infinite Warfare is “the #1 console video game in the US, based on year-to-date revenues from physical unit sales.”

Looking at the face of Activision’s statement regarding Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’s top-grossing status in the US, it’s important to make a couple of distinctions. For starters, the information is only true when it comes to console games, and it excludes digital sales altogether. Furthermore, it implies that Infinite Warfare isn’t the best-selling game for 2016 in terms of units sold, as the proclamation defines the “#1” position only in the sense of revenues.

Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare can’t eventually achieve the feat of becoming this year’s best-selling game overall. After all, it’s only been available for a month, and it’s possible that Activision and Infinity Ward’s recent decision to offer a free trial could have translated to even more sales for the title. Plus, Sony Interactive Entertainment went out of its way to reveal that Infinite Warfare was the PS4’s most-downloaded game in November. In such an achievement, the Call of Duty release beat out other noteworthy shooters such as the World War I-inspired Battlefield 1 and Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall 2 for that month’s particular sales trophy.

Taking all of this into account, there’s really no telling which video game is going to come out on top when it comes to sales for 2016 until all of the official figures are finally accounted for, especially with this year’s holiday shopping season still occurring at this very moment. Whatever happens, though, it will definitely be interesting to see if the launch of Infinite Warfare marks a slight downturn in popularity for the Call of Duty brand when it comes to beating out the competition for the best-selling game of the year.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is out now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.