Prior to the beta update, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare multiplayer beta testers were able to play Team Deathmatch, Domination, and the new Defender mode. Now fans can play Kill Confirmed as well, the match type where players don’t earn points for kills without first collecting the dogtags of their fallen enemies. It’s also possible to deny points for the other team by collecting dogtags belonging to dead teammates. Kill Confirmed should be playable now in the Infinite Warfare beta across the three maps that it launched with, along with the newly added map Precinct.

Precinct is a medium-sized map set in Japan, and it joins the likes of Frontier, Frost, and Throwback that were already in the beta. Precinct is said to support all different playstyles in Infinite Warfare, but beta testers can only try out three of the Combat Rigs at the time of this writing, so we’ll just have to take Infinity Ward’s word for it. The beta is expected to continue until October 24th, so there’s a chance that more Combat Rigs could be added to the mix, as well as more maps and game modes.

With Kill Confirmed and Precinct now live in the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare multiplayer beta, it will give those playing the beta more variety. Furthermore, it will allow Infinity Ward to test more aspects of the game ahead of its launch. However, with Infinite Warfare scheduled to launch on November 4th, it remains to be seen if there is really enough time between this beta test and the game’s release date to make any changes based on fan feedback.

It’s also unknown if Xbox One gamers will be able to enjoy the same match types and modes in their version of the multiplayer beta as well. The beta is a timed-PS4 exclusive, and doesn’t even go live for Xbox One until this coming weekend. It’s possible that it will only include the three maps, modes, and Combat Rigs that were present when the PS4 beta started, but that’s just speculation until Infinity Ward offers a clarification on the matter.

Some Xbox One owners may already feel stiffed by the fact that they only get a few days to try out the multiplayer beta, and also have to wait an extra month to get their hands on the game’s expansion packs. Here’s hoping Xbox owners get the full multiplayer beta experience when it goes live later this week, and also manage to avoid the day one matchmaking issues the beta experienced on PS4.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will be available on November 4th for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: GameSpot