Now, Microsoft has provided a refund to one Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare players who complained about a lack of players. One reddit user explained that their sibling bought the pricier version (for Modern Warfare Remastered) through the Windows Store because it was cheaper than Steam and they wanted to play the title with another sibling who has the game on Xbox One.

However, upon firing up Remastered’s multiplayer, the sibling discovered that they were just one of two people looking for a match (on Steam, just under 4,000 people are currently playing). As a result, the sibling went through the “very easy” process of requesting a refund. The reddit user told Motherboard that “[the sibling] said they were very courteous and didn’t give him any trouble trying to get the refund.”

Although this is the only report of Microsoft giving a refund to a Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare player so far, it seems unlikely that this will be the last. In addition to confusion about Windows 10 and Steam compatibility and the lack of players, there is clearly some confusion about whether or not Infinite Warfare is part of Microsoft’s Play Anywhere program (it’s not). Information about platform compatibility is not readily available on the game’s Windows Store listing either, which doesn’t help.

Microsoft has indicated that the lack of W10/Steam compatibility is the decision (Infinite Warfare publisher) Activision and so the Windows and Xbox platform holder isn’t entirely at fault. But as Microsoft tries to win over PC gamers, with moves such as releasing Quantum Break on Steam and at retail, this debacle isn’t going to help.

Nor is it going to aid the company in establishing its Windows Store as a serious rival to Steam; who is going to buy games from a storefront when it could come with playerbase limits and means that they’ll have to go through the process of getting a refund? Very few people is the answer and it could make the low player figures experienced by this Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare player all the more likely in future.

Source: Motherboard