The first content expansion for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is known as Sabotage, and it follows the same pattern established by past DLC packs, introducing four new multiplayer maps and a brand new zombie mode experience. A detailed post on the PlayStation Blog reveals that the four multiplayer maps are:

Noir is a dark city based map, inspired by a futuristic Brooklyn at night. Players will be fighting among plenty of cafe and parks with a brutal warzone erupting in the center. Neon is a dynamic map, acting as a digitized virtual training room of sorts. During matches on this map, objects and structures will materialize out of thin air and enemies dissolve into hundreds of pixels when killed. Renaissance takes players to Venice, Italy, to fight among the canals and the sprawling architecture. Dominion is a fresh take on the classic Modern Warfare 2 map known as Afghan. This new map is set on Mars, enhanced to support the new movement system of Infinite Warfare, though still sporting the familiar layout.


Finally, the new zombie experience is called Rave in the Redwoods and breaks away from the ’80s style presented in the current zombie mode. For this first zombie expansion, the team at Infinity Ward is crafting a new experience set within a’ 90s slasher flick. Fans of Jason and the Friday the 13th film franchise will find a lot to enjoy here, as the new map takes place in a creepy summer camp that plays host to a party. Willard Wyler returns once more to create the biggest horror film of his career with the players along for the ride as his unwilling guest stars.

As expected, the Sabotage DLC launches first for PlayStation 4 players on January 31, 2017, and should follow for Xbox One and PC players. Activision hasn’t not announced when that might be, but past DLC releases have usually hit about a month after the exclusive platform.

Are you enjoying the holiday events currently going on inside of the game or have you decided to pass on this years edition of the long running franchise? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.