The trailer opens with a bit of background on how the events within Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare have come to pass. With resources running low, humanity went into space to look for solutions. Unfortunately, a splinter group known as the Settlement Defense Front, led by Harington’s Admiral Salen Kotch, seeks to break free and take control away from the government.

In addition, UFC fighter Conor McGregor portrays Captain Bradley Fillion, the muscle and second in command behind Kotch. Unsurprisingly, the few seconds that McGregor’s character does appear in the trailer, he can be seen punching Lt. Reyes in the face.


The footage also shows off more from the Lt. Nick Reyes trailer released last month, a surprise dual attack that leaves the commanding officer dead helping to pave the way for the player character to take command. The rest of the footage balances between space combat and fighting on Earth, mixing in what appears to be classic Call of Duty set piece moments like ships crashing, players sky diving, and car chases as well.

Players who want to get a taste for the action a little bit earlier can do so starting next month on the PlayStation 4 console. Another perk of the timed exclusivity partnership between Sony and Activision that launched alongside Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, fans who pre-order the game on PlayStation 4 will get to jump into the multiplayer beta starting on October 14. As of right now, however, there’s been no word on exactly how long the beta will last, or what sort of content will be available during the test.

What game will be fulfilling your shooter needs this year? Let us know what your choice is for first person shooters down below in the comments.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare hits Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on November 4, 2016.

Source: PlayStation YouTube Channel