It is well known that Call of Duty: Mobile copies content from the other popular Call of Duty titles. The developers have created a melting-pot style game that combines features from several fan-loved titles. Following that trend, the developer image may hint at a weapon that fans know all too well.

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Upon inspection of the Call of Duty: Mobile tweet, fans are expecting the weapon to be the SKS rifle. The handle, magazine, length, and attachment selection matches the silhouette accurately off of just a short glance. If this is true, then the SKS would be the second marksman rifle to make it into Call of Duty: Mobile, placing it alongside the Kilo-Bolt Action released in August 2020. Players are expecting the SKS to have a semi-automatic fire mode with adjusted stats so it does not disrupt the careful balance of the mobile title’s meta.

In an early tease, Activision revealed another gun headed to Call of Duty: Mobile. Fans are expecting the Famas to be added as a burst rifle option, completing the set of two weapons per season. Both of these weapons are highly anticipated and requested by the community, making the teasers a great promotion for fan expectations.

While Call of Duty: Mobile is expected to begin its next season on January 26th, it will not be called Season 14. Activision revealed that it will be refreshing the seasonal count of Call of Duty: Mobile allowing the first season of 2021 to be called Season 1. This switch is mainly due to the need for a simplified system and could hint at a future decision regarding Call of Duty: Warzone’s increasing season count.

If the content matches previous seasons, then players should expect two weapons, a new mode, and a new map. It is rumored that Attack of the Undead 20 will be the new game mode, while Rebirth will take its place as a mobile map option. Activision is expected to reveal the new season later in the week which will give fans confirmation of their expectations or reveal surprise content that could possibly exceed expectations.

Call of Duty: Mobile is available on iOS and Android devices.

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