The Call of Duty: Mobile developers have announced that major changes will be coming to weapon balancing. Rather than adjusting a few guns, the developers plan on tackling the large majority of weapon options. Considering the size of the Call of Duty: Mobile armory, the developers may be making even more changes than originally announced.

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While the developers have not released the exact date for the rebalance, they do acknowledge that there is an inherent balance problem within the game. Call of Duty: Mobile has several seasons worth of powerful weapons, and each weapon category was originally designed to perform one job. While the developers are not revealing the details of each change, they do summarize fixes based on weapon categories throughout the post.

Call of Duty: Mobile Armory Changes


Submachine guns in Call of Duty: Mobile are designed for close-quarters confrontations, and the developers hope to improve that ability. The update will increase the damage and mobility of these guns while ensuring more viability in long-range battles.

Assault Rifle

In a competitive Call of Duty: Mobile, the Assault Rifle has an important role as a jack-of-all-trades. The weapon is designed to take on a variety of situations, and the update will improve the weapons’ bullet trajectory, handling, and recoil. The goal is to make it more viable in mid-ranged situations rather than relying on long-range combat.


Powerful and slow, the LMG was designed for suppressive fire and massive damage. The developers want to improve Call of Duty: Mobile’s LMG selection by increasing accuracy and damage for the weapon categories. They want to ensure suppression at ranges of 30m and further while strengthening up the weapon type across multiple sections.

Sniper Rifle

Snipers are long-range options, and Call of Duty: Mobile snipers take this to heart. The rebalance is designed to weapon snipe rifle’s advantages in close-range combat while optimizing the attributes of attachments. This widens possibilities but does restrict the gun-type to long-range battles.

Marksman Rifle

The goal of Marksman Rifles is to be nimble and agile in combat. Call of Duty: Mobile will be improving the weapon’s attachment options while adjusting the gun’s core stats to reflect a more mobile long-range option.

While the details of the full Call of Duty: Mobile update is still unknown, the developers seem to be touching base with each category. The majority of the rebalances will be buffing but do expect a few nerfs scattered in throughout the game’s new content.

Call of Duty: Mobile is available on iOS and Android devices.

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Source: Call of Duty Mobile