Marketing for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 prominently features a close-up view of a soldier wearing a skull mask and looking directly toward the viewer. Versions of that artwork appear on the game’s cover, on posters for sale on the related online shop, and elsewhere. It may not rank among the very best Call of Duty game art, but it gets around and makes an impression.

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A user named diceideas on Instagram used thousands of dice and a large wooden table with raised edges to recreate that impressive art. Most of the dice are black, but green and white ones were incorporated where necessary to produce the desired effect. Viewed from a distance, the table and its dice reveal a familiar image. Even with computer software likely involved in the process, putting everything together would have required a significant time investment. Considering how long it takes to beat Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s campaign, the two endeavors must have fallen within the same range.

Released only two months ago, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 broke the PlayStation Store record for a Call of Duty game, in spite of its lukewarm critical reception. Players and critics alike have expressed concerns over missing features and the substantial download required to play the game even when it is purchased on disc. However, it’s clear the franchise is still going strong.

Call of Duty isn’t the only franchise to inspire unique fan creations. Across a variety of mediums, artistic players have paid tribute to the games that inspire them, including just recently when a fan created Elden Ring art in Dreams. Some of the year’s biggest game releases, from God of War Ragnarok to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, seem to have inspired nearly as much art as they have hours of play, so it is only a matter of time before another fan shares an amazing creation. Maybe next time around, someone can do something interesting with pine needles to suit a holiday theme. Knowing the creative fan community, someone is already working on such a project this very minute.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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