Ever since the first Call of Duty: Modern Warfare breathed new life into the franchise and allowed gamers to play multiple modes with thousands of different loadouts, custom classes have become a hallmark of the series. The most recent title keeps this tradition alive, with Modern Warfare 2’s incredible weapon variety allowing gamers to choose from more guns than ever before. The amount of customization means that no two matches will be the exact same - unless a bug is involved.

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In a video shared to Reddit by user Eric7Hoyle, a major bug strips most of the customization away from players. According to Eric7Hoyle, every player in the affected match was restricted to using only the .50 GS pistol as their only weapon. Pistol-only lobbies are not one of the many Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 supported game modes, which made this match a surprise for all involved.

If a bug was going to restrict players to just a pistol, the .50 GS is one of the best to be forced to utilize in a match. Modern Warfare 2’s .50 GS is based on the 50AE Desert Eagle, which means the 50 GS can pack a punch for close-range and medium distance firefights. The .50 GS unlocks at rank 13 and is considered a secondary sidearm, except for the rare case encountered by Eric7Hoyle making it a forced primary weapon.

Being forced to use one of the best pistols available in the game is not the worst bug gamers have encountered this week. Other gamers have been sharing reports of bugs they’ve been encountering during games, including a game-crashing Modern Warfare 2 party bug. More bugs and glitches can be expected next month with the start of the new Season and the debut of Call of Duty: Warzone.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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