Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is the latest iteration of first-person shooters in the Activision franchise, developed by Infinity Ward. As expected, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 features a single-player campaign that takes place after the events of Modern Warfare. The multiplayer, on the other, hand features a multitude of game modes ranging from 6v6 modes like Domination and Prisoner Rescue to a large-scale version of Domination called Ground War.

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The busy streets of Modern Warfare 2’s Mercado Las Almas map are optimal for close-quarters combat, but the nooks and crannies of the snaking streets always pose a threat; a camper lurking for their prey. This was the case with a Modern Warfare 2 player who was playing Domination on the map and met their maker from a camper crouching in a corner. After dying to the camper, the player finds an inventive way to retaliate.

The player equips the drill charge and throws it in a dark corner that is inaccessible to players. This spot happens to be close to the little recess in the building that the camper was using and ends up blowing the unsuspecting subject into smithereens. Drill charges are not considered the most useful weapon, especially in a fast-paced map like Mercado Las Almas, where the average lifespan is relatively low. However, the tactics like the one on display are a very effective way to rid Modern Warfare 2 of campers.

Actually, drill charges in Modern Warfare 2 are designed to be effective against camping spots in particular. In previous iterations of the game, spots that are hard to clear from the front side might lock the game for the camper. The explosive that was introduced in this iteration of Call of Duty buries into the wall and blows enemies on the other side, thus dissuading camping. While campers still exist in the game, the addition of drill charge stops them from being even more prominent and annoying.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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