The official skins for the 12 Call of Duty League teams were released recently, with each team getting its own bundle. These bundles are available for purchase by Warzone 2 players and come with a variety of cosmetics, including a home and an away skin. As cosmetics, these bundles are not intended to have any sort of effect on gameplay. However, there have been issues with skins before, as Call of Duty: Warzone players claimed they were pay-to-win.

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The skin raising complaints from players this time is the LA Thieves CDL home skin, which was released as part of their CDL bundle. It’s almost completely matte black, except for the team’s logo in red across the chest. Players can easily take advantage of this by hiding in dark rooms, corners, or even posting up against a wall that’s been blackened by explosions. A post made by Call of Duty: Warzone 2 player Delaled showcases why players are concerned that this could end up as a repeat of the controversy involving Roze’s nearly-invisible Rook skin. Delaled turns a corner into a room that has been blackened by explosions and nearly misses a player using the LA Thieves skin waiting in ambush. Luckily, Delaled notices the enemy and takes them out with a quick burst of gunfire.

In a competitive game like Call of Duty: Warzone 2, players often expect the playing field to be fair and even for the most part, with skill being the main factor in who wins and loses. With that in mind, it makes sense that many players would be upset about what they see as an unfair advantage gained through using a paid skin. While the advantage does seem to be less significant than the infamous Roze skin in Call of Duty: Warzone, it could still give just enough of an edge to turn defeat into victory.

Since obtaining the LA Thieves skin is simply a matter of buying the bundle, players do have a right to be upset about the potential advantages that come from using the matte-black skin. In the past, Call of Duty developers decided that the extremely dark Roze skin deserved a big nerf, so it might be in the cards for the LA Thieves skin to receive similar treatment.

Of course, fans of the LA Thieves will still want to show their support by rocking team cosmetics in games. In order to keep players on both sides happy, the changes would have to increase the skin’s visibility while keeping within the LA Thieves aesthetic.

Call of Duty: Warzone 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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