Many Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 players may not think much of the firing range, and some will never even use it, but those that do care see it as a massive step-down from what came before. Dr Disrespect was especially displeased with what was on offer, criticizing the system heavily before deleting the game. He also pointed to footage from Deadrop, his own game studio’s FPS, as proof that Infinity Ward’s latest firing range is unacceptable.

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Criticism For Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s Firing Range is Widespread

One of the most prominent critics of the firing range featured in the new Modern Warfare 2 is streamer and content creator Dr Disrespect, who compared it to early footage from his own game to show how flawed it is. However, though Dr Disrespect is known for criticizing the games he plays - especially Call of Duty - The Two Time is not the only gamer to be harsh on the firing range design. All throughout social media platforms like Reddit, posts can be seen where the firing range is criticized, with players taking issue with various aspects. While the in-progress firing range for Deadrop that was shown off is more spacious and nice to look at, gamers have reported several other issues with the firing range beyond its appearance.

For starters, players are pointing out bugs with the firing range featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Some players were constantly crashing after the game launched when pressing the button to enter the firing range, being unable to even make use of the feature. Others that loaded into the firing range would have their guns breaking and firing before they pull the trigger, defeating the point of the firing range and essentially making it a waste of time.

Beyond technical issues and the firing range being a step back visually from previous Call of Duty firing ranges, players dislike its functionality as well. In particular, gamers wish the enemies were not armored, as they make it difficult to gauge damage. A lack of damage numbers when they are shot only adds to this issue, as players struggle to see how strong their guns actually are when testing them out in the cramped room.

What The Criticism Can Tell Call of Duty and Other Shooters

Ultimately, Dr Disrespect’s complaints and those of the larger community show that first-person shooter fans care about firing ranges. Having strong weapons that thrive in a multiplayer setting is crucial, and being able to test them before hopping into a match is important so that players have a strong loadout and are not putting themselves at a disadvantage.

Going forward, Infinity Ward and other Call of Duty developers would be wise to make sure their firing ranges are top-notch and not being outdone by competition like Deadrop. With good firing ranges being seen in past entries, there is no excuse for Modern Warfare 2’s version to be so disappointing. The community has made the features it wants, like damage stats and armor-free test dummies, very clear. This lesson can be kept in mind for games outside of Call of Duty, too, as Battlefield and other shooters may want to keep in mind how much interest there is in firing ranges.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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